Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Farmhouse Chicks

This Farmhouse Chicks blog will hopefully entertain and educate you about us 4 farmhouse chicks and our 3 roosters. We live in a rural part of the country, down a paved road, next to a small country store.

My rooster said...."honey, if ya gotta live in the country it aint gonna be on a dirt road." He's kinda partial to a clean ride.

He found this property one very rushed day. He had come to the area to seek out a country plot for us. We lived in another state at the time and felt called back to his homeroost.

As he was driving down the "paved country road". He spotted a rickety ole' sign, half laying on it's side, swinging in the breeze just whispering on the wind...."stop, and look, I have treasures for you."

Well, that rickety ole' sign managed to accomplish it's task. He stopped. Got out. And stood in amazement.

Nothing but weeds and trees as far as he could see. Now, do weeds and trees sound very appealing to you?

Me neither!

But, my rooster is an incredible visionary. He could see past the 2 foot tall weeds and picture our roost.

So, off the roost he goes, flying back to me. Landing, he says, "chicky babe...I found our roost. You gotta see it. He pulls out the camera and there before me stood weeds and trees.

WOW! roostie.....that looks....scary....great! When do we fly?

The rest is history, as they say.

Enjoy our romance with and in the country. :)

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